
You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person whom you cannot live without.

Anglican Weddings

Holy Matrimony is the lifelong union in which a woman and man join together in Christ  and make their vows in the presence of God and the Church, asking for their blessings and support in their marriage.

It is the happiest day of of your life,  when you and your partner get to wholly express your love for each other.

What We Offer

Weddings come in all shapes and sizes.

We offer five services that come with our church.

  • Destination Weddings
  • Church Weddings
  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Live Streaming
  • Complete Wedding Package

Why is counseling mandatory?

Counseling is a fundamental first step in a marriage. It notably ensures that each party is willing and truly aware of the commitment they are making.

It helps prepare the couple for the responsibilities and journey of marriage in day-to-day life and in relation to faith and the church. It is an emotional, psychological, and spiritual assessment of the couple and serves as a reminder of the purpose of a Christian marriage.

Let's do this step by step

Fill Out The Application form

  • STEP 1

Submitting basic information about you and your spouse to be is the first step to make when you are ready to be married. 




Introductory Meeting With The Priest

  • STEP 2

Have an introductory meeting with the priest. This meeting might serve as your first counselling meeting wherein you will also discuss the details of the wedding, like where it will take place, when and how.



Attend Marriage Counseling

  • STEP 3

Have a minimum of two (2) counselling sessions. These sessions are mandatory since they help you prepare for the responsibilities and expectations of a Christian marriage. They also help the priest determine if both members participating in the members are happy and willing. These sessions can be completed online.




Apply For A Marriage License

  • STEP 4

The Priest will give the couple a letter to take to the Minsitry of Home Affairs and Information, where you can then apply for your license and collect it the same day.  (NOTE: Previously divorced persons must show evidence that the divorce has been finalised with their Decree Nisi).

Plan Your Wedding

  • STEP 5

This is where the excitement truly begins! Present the marriage license from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Information to the priest and plan your wedding!


Attend Your Wedding

  • STEP 6

Have your wedding! This is a big day on which your union is blessed by God and his Church. Enjoy this memorable day to the fullest!

Collect Your Marriage Certificate

  • STEP75

Locals must apply for the marriage certificate at the Supreme Court Registration Department after the wedding and will be advised on when they would receive their copies. 


Non-nationals will receive a notarized copy of their marriage certificate within a few days to weeks. If visitors leave the country prior to its receipt, the marriage certificate will be sent via courier.




Thinking about joining our church? Fill out our New Member Information Sheet and show up on Sunday morning!


Take the next big step with us! Let us guide you through this big decision and bless your union under the eyes of God.


Marriage counseling is a vital and meaningful first step in preparing for a lifelong commitment. It offers guidance and ensures both individuals are fully prepared to embrace the sacred journey of marriage together.


What if I am divorced? Can I be married in an Anglican Church?

Yes, non nationals can be married in the Anglican Church. You must provide a certificate of Baptism, ID (driver’s licence, passport, ID card) and  proof of counselling (optional). 

Can I be married in Barbados in the Anglican Church if I am a non-national?

Yes, non nationals can be married in the Anglican Church. You must provide a certificate of Baptism, ID (driver’s licence, passport, ID card) and  proof of counselling (optional). 


If you wish to be married true to Anglican rites, at least one person in the couple must be baptisedhowever all of our priests are marriage officers who can marry you under state laws.

Can I get married in the Anglican Church if I am not a member?

Yes, all that is required is a certificate of baptism andyour relevant ID documents (driver’s license, passport, ID card), and proof of counseling (optional).

Why is marriage counseling mandatory?

To ensure there are no cases of abuse or fraud and ensure both participants are willing,  the priest will meet with the couple face to face. The priest will also determine through counseling if the couple is fit and ready for marriage. 


Counseling will help prepare the couple for the responsibilities of marriage and the journey of marriage in relation to faith and the church. It is an emotional, psychological, and spiritual assessment of the couple and serves as a reminder of the purpose of a Christian marriage.

Reach Out


You don't need to be a member to be married with us but if you're thinking about joining our church? Fill out our New Member Information Sheet.


Apply to be married with St. Philip's Parish Church by submitting your information to the Rector.


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Donate To St. Philip's Parish Church

Your donations go a long way to sustaining our church and aiding our community. Send your donations via Bank Transfer.

Account Name: St. Philip’s Parish Church

Account Number: 1818610

Bank: CIBC Caribbean

Branch: Wildey Branch