Trust, Homily by Renaldo Sargeant

I come this morning to talk a little about trust.

The English dictionary has a lot of different meanings for trust, it can be a noun a verb or an adjective.

The noun of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, the ability or strength of someone or something.

As it states relations are built on trust. Similarly, it can be the acceptance of a statement without evidence or any investigation. So, sometimes someone can tell you something and you trust them say for instance, doctors, lawyers, you know sometimes you put a lot of trust in the without actually evidence or investigating. Before we go any further lets investigate these two meanings “a firm belief”; a firm belief is like saying tomorrow the sun will rise, but we know the sun will rise weather there are clouds or not. Can you trust someone in this way? Sometimes we are put in to positions where we are expected to trust persons, but, are they trustworthy? How will we ever know?!

We were given the word as a guide to help us through our lives, although as we can see in church, most persons would believe without asking questions… that is trust! Then there are some that would question the bible, form an opinion for themselves and although you can question things, I think that when you question something, put it into perspective you would have a better understanding,

I say all of this to ask the question of “who can we trust?”Times are changing and sometime we try to relate to the bible and try to put in into the perspective of the way things are now. And sometimes we would fail by not understanding. So then we need to go to church on Sunday and you know, get the word, get someone who could put it into a better perspective for us.

I promise not to be long this morning, when I was preparing my homily was a little difficult because of the past week. No matter how difficult times are or how rough a day can be, how persons you put your trust onto to deliver… they can sometimes fail and I mean the position they can put you in you can feel that everything is going bad, everything is wrong and that can sometimes come from putting too much trust in persons. Putting too much trust in systems that were put in place to help guide us in our daily lives.

I say all of this to say, simply, there is only one person we can really put out trust in wholeheartedly, because sometimes you might not see the light, you might not see a way, you might not see a direction, but then everything works out, everything works out in its own timing and to better timing than you would expect, when there is no light and you’re at your wit’s end and they work out way much better that you’ve planned or anticipated. Sometimes it works out for better because you’ve put your trust in a higher power, you’ve put your trust in a higher being.

And that’s simply my message for today.

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