
The back-bone of St. Philip's Parish Church

What are subcommittees?

Subcommittees are groups of church members considered to be the backbone of the day-to-day activities of the St. Philip Parish Church. They assist the priest in various tasks from different activities to the maintenance of the church. They also act as an advisory body to be the church’s leader.

How can I join?

If you want to be part of a subcommittee, you must first be a member of the church. Then, you could volunteer to participate in some of the events a particular subcommittee organizes. 

For some subcommittees, you may only join if chosen by the chair or the priest. These choices may be based on your skill sets, interests, and your activity within the church. 

When you become a member of the church, be sure to mention your hobbies, interests, and skills on the Information Sheet. 

All Subcommittees


This committee manages the maintenance of buildings, including the church, rectory, and church hall. After rigorous surveys, they determine whether restoration is needed and what steps should be taken to do it. They are also in charge of the general upkeep of the properties. The chair selects the members of this committee, but volunteers are also welcomed.


This committee is responsible for recording all financial matters for the church. It is also responsible for collecting money from events and handling the counting and depositing of money. The chair chooses these members.


This committee is comprised of event coordinators who select the teams for organizing each event the church hosts. You may be selected to be part of a team, or you could choose to volunteer for any events you are particularly interested in.


This committee manages all of the church's IT-related equipment. Its members are volunteers who assist with social media, stream church services, and project them to monitors.


The worship committee plans and executes the order of service for Sunday services and other special events. The chair selects members, but volunteers are welcome.

Donate To St. Philip's Parish Church

Your donations go a long way to sustaining our church and aiding our community. Send your donations via Bank Transfer.

Account Name: St. Philip’s Parish Church

Account Number: 1818610

Bank: CIBC Caribbean

Branch: Wildey Branch