Overcoming Fear: Homily for the Usher Guild

Dear Brothers and sisters In Christ,
Today let us reflect on the omnipresent reality of fear in our lives.

From the innocence of childhood to the complexities of adulthood, Fear has been an intimidating part of life. From the earliest days of our youth we found ourselves trembling at the sight of the unknown. The heartman lurking in the cane grounds, the thunderous roar of storms or the enveloping darkness of the
night- these were but a few of the specters that haunted our youth. Yet as we matured we found ourselves confronted with even weightier fears. The anguish of watching a love one succumb to illness, the specter of unemployment looming over our shoulders; the dread of random violence in our streets, the pervasive fear of contracting a deadly virus, or the ever present threats of vehicular accidents -all of these and more, assail us when we least expect it.

Indeed there seems to be no limit to what our brains can concort that is potentially fearful, stirring within us both legitimate concerns and irrational anxieties. Either way we can find Hope and an Anchor in the storm, that is, our Fear in Jesus, since he speaks numerous about Fear in the scriptures.

What then is Fear

Fear is the natural part of our human experience. It is an instinctive response to danger or uncertainty.
In its clutches , we feel powerless and trapped, held back from experiencing the fullness of life that God intended for us to be.

But fear doesn’t have the final say.

So what is God Response to Fear

The bible consistently reassures us of God’s abiding presence and protection in the face of fear. As David penned in psalm 23.4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil , for you are with me your rod and your staff, they comfort me . God does not promise a life without challenges ,God promises to remind us of his unwavering faithfulness and his desire for us to walk in peace and freedom rather than be bound by fear. In other words, he promises to walk besides us in our struggles.

Trusting in God’s plan empowers us to face fear with unwavering confidence.

Just as Jesus teaches us In Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry about the uncertainties of life but to trust in God’s provision as to what we will eat or what we will wear and care for the birds of the air
and the lilies of the field. and much more will he care for us, his beloved children?

Faith means trusting that God’s plan for us is good, even when we cannot see the outcome. This trust can help us confront the fear of uncertainty and the unknown head-on.And what of Prayer. It is a powerful tool to combat Fear offering us Peace beyond understanding.

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “Do not worry about anything, but in every situation by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus

Indeed Fear Not is a common reminder in the word because we are often forgetful and we can try to imagine the future before it happens leading to Fear.

Jesus reminds us in our reading this morning Psalm 115 :11. “You who fear the Lord, trust in the lord. He is their help and their shield”. This psalm speaks directly to those who fear god. The phrase “Fear the Lord” in this context refers to a deep respect , reverence and awe to god. This is not the fear that paralyzes or terrifies, but rather a holy fear that acknowledges God’s greatness and authority. This kind of fear leads to wisdom and understanding of god’s will for our lives.

The Psalmist encourages those who fear the Lord to trust in Him fully. Trusting in the Lord means surrendering on His goodness, faithfulness and sovereignty. It is the posture of surrender,
knowing that God ways are higher than our own and that He holds our lives in His hands

Trust in God is the antidote of worldly Fears, allowing us to rest in His presence even in uncertain circumstances. The verse also emphasizes that God is our help and shield. He is our helper in times of need providing us with strength, guidance and provision. He stands with us in our struggles and sustains us through life challenges. Moreover , God is our shield offering protection from harm and guarding us from attacks of the enemy in moments of fear and doubt.

So how do we overcome our Fear

We Meditate on the scripture Filling our mind with God’s promises and the words of encouragement.
We Pray continually, expressing our fears and trusting him with your concerns
And we Focus on Gratitude Shifting our perspectives from fear to
the blessings God’s has bestowed upon us My dear brothers and sister in Christ overcoming fear is a journey that requires Faith, Trust and Perseverance. As we walk this path, let us remember that God is always with us guiding and protecting us. Let us lean on God’s promises and his perfect love which drives
out fear, replacing fear with Faith , anxiety with Prayer and worry with trust in God’s perfect plan.

May we be filled with peace and confidence as we navigate life’s challenges knowing that God is with us every step of the way.


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