
Take the plunge- and pledge your life to Him.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is the sacrament through which God unites us with Christ, adopts us as His children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the Kingdom of God.

When we are dipped in the baptismal water, our spiritual grace is joined with Christ’s, and we are born into God’s family. It grants us forgiveness in our sins and a new life in the Holy Sprit.

Baptizing Your Baby

Baptism is the first step for a Christian in the Anglican Church and it takes place soon after you are born.  Your parents and chosen god-parents promise your life to Christ on your behalf whereafter they are tasked with raising you as a follower of God and member of the church, so that they can fulfill their promises.

Adult Baptisms

If you have not been baptized as a baby, you have options. Baptism is available for anyone at any stage of life once they are ready to take that first step on the path of Christianity. If you feel prepared to be Baptised but don’t know how to start the process, read the steps below, call the church office, or submit the Baptism Application Form for adults.

St. Philip's Parish Church Confirmation


Confirmation is the affirmation of Baptism done as a baby. It is the rite of passage when we express a mature commitment to Christ and in turn receive strength by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through prayer and laying on hands by a bishop. Confirmation is an optional step that Baptized Christians can take to reaffirm their faith.

Am I ready?

When you feel the call to join the faith community and outwardly show your faith in God, then you are ready for Baptism. If you need counselling for more understanding, or if you need more information, please feel free to reach out to the church.

Let's do this step by step

Contact the Parish Priest

To start the process, please reach out to the Parish Clerk or the Priest via phone +1 (246) 423-8191 or +1 (246) 423-3780  or email You will be given a verbal walk-through of what is required and a link or physical form to fill out.




Step 1
Step 2

Meet with the Priest

Call the church office or book a Baptism Instruction Appointment with the priest online. Here, you will be guided through the baptism process and signed up for the Baptism Clinic. It is your opportunity to ask the priest any questions during the meeting, and they will be able to guide you! You can meet online or in person.



Attend Baptism Clinic

Attend the Baptism clinic to receive thorough preparation and instruction. This is usually done the Saturday before the Baptism. You learn what it means to commit to the Anglican faith and reinforce the value of the physical show of faith in God. The priest will give you dates and times for the clinic. 

Step 3
Step 4

The Baptism

The baptism date usually falls on the third Sunday of the month, known as Baptismal Sunday. Therefore, your baptism date will be determined when you sign up and complete the Baptism Clinic.

Confirmation (Not Manadatory)

Confirmation is the reaffirmation of Baptism done as a baby. It is the rite of passage when we express a mature devotion and commitment to Christ. Confirmation is not mandatory, however, if you feel as if it is the correct path for you in your Christian journey, submit the form below!



Step 5



Baptize your baby in the Anglican Church! Celebrate new life with us and commit your baby's life to Christ.


Commit your life to Christ and join the Anglican Church by attending our baptism classes. Sign up and take the plunge.


Reaffirm your baptism by attending our confirmation class. While it is not mandatory, it is an outward show of your mature devotion to your faith.


Who can be baptized?

Anyone is welcomed to be baptised.

Can't I be a Christian without being Baptized?

Unfortunately, no. Our church considers Baptism to be an essential and important part of the Christian walk. It is an outward show of commitment to Christ and one of the seven sacraments which parallel Christ’s own teachings. We consider it to be an initiation right, and through it, our life is incorporated with Christ’s.

Do I need to be a church member to be baptized?

You do not have to be a member, however after you complete the baptismal vows, you become a member of our church.

What's the difference between confirmation & baptisms?

When babies are baptised they later have confirmation to affirm the vows that were made for them by their parents. Confirmation is optional, however any baptized member of the church can apply.

What's the difference between Christening a baby and a baptism?

There is no difference. To Christen is to “make like Christ” and this is done through baptisms.

Donate To St. Philip's Parish Church

Your donations go a long way to sustaining our church and aiding our community. Send your donations via Bank Transfer.

Account Name: St. Philip’s Parish Church

Account Number: 1818610

Bank: CIBC Caribbean

Branch: Wildey Branch